The Marche is a high-value online e-commerce marketplace that connects sellers with buyers.
What Is The Marche?
The Marche is a high-value online e-commerce marketplace that connects sellers with buyers. It’s a community where new and underused goods are redistributed to fill the needs and become wanted again, where non-product assets such as space, skills, and money are exchanged and traded in new ways that don’t always require centralized institutions for communication.
Outshining The Vast Competition
Competing Against Retailers And Manufacturers
Difficulties In Revamping Selling Tactics
Unsatisfactory Customer Experience
Did You Know?
Shifting trend to e-commerce - by the year 2040, it's estimated that 95% of all purchases will be through eCommerce.
Increase in demand - 93.5% of global internet users have purchased products online.
76% of users value convenience as one of their top priorities.
High Level Features Of The Marche
Easy Tasks Management
- Add google map locations
- Multiple payment gateways
- Sell to the Right bidder
- Real-time notifications
- Upload Media files
- Buy the products in multiple categories
All In One User Interface
- List your Ads in multiple categories
- View and edit your ad posting
- Dedicated Dashboards (Admin, buyer, seller)
- Manage your accounts
- Seamless Advertising Solutions
Design And Development
- Web Application
- Mobile Application
- Interactive Visuals
- Scalable Platform